Aagh, and so it begins. We are only just beginning to see the callous and opportunistic nature of these for profit prison groups that are salivating at the money they will be making on the backs of immigrants who will be forced into servitude and will languish in the system. The gall of the elected and appointed “leaders” and the CEO’s is breathtaking.
So Not getting rid of them may be in the works. Just reconstituting them as slaves. Very despicable, evil genius of them.
Anyway, I’m closing out some positions in the market before it hits the fan. Imbecility will breed imbecility and sooner or later things will not go well. That’s not a sophisticated analysis but it might match a Warren Buffet type analysis. If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, sooner or later it’s going to quack.🦆
Thank you for the post Marlon. I'm curious...is there a place where I can understand how the quintiles were defined? As you have shared...this is not going to be good.
Aagh, and so it begins. We are only just beginning to see the callous and opportunistic nature of these for profit prison groups that are salivating at the money they will be making on the backs of immigrants who will be forced into servitude and will languish in the system. The gall of the elected and appointed “leaders” and the CEO’s is breathtaking.
So Not getting rid of them may be in the works. Just reconstituting them as slaves. Very despicable, evil genius of them.
Anyway, I’m closing out some positions in the market before it hits the fan. Imbecility will breed imbecility and sooner or later things will not go well. That’s not a sophisticated analysis but it might match a Warren Buffet type analysis. If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, sooner or later it’s going to quack.🦆
Time to watch that Ava DuVernay doc indeed.
Thank you for the post Marlon. I'm curious...is there a place where I can understand how the quintiles were defined? As you have shared...this is not going to be good.
Hi Chris- this might be helpful in understanding how they’re used with data sets like those used in the report. https://www.investopedia.com/terms/q/quintile.asp