Better late than never. I just found your Substack. It didn’t take long for me to decide to become a subscriber.

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Welcome! Thanks and I hope you find it enjoyable.

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Thank you for linking me to this, Marlon. Fascinating read and scarily prescient. But not even that. It is, like you said, a through line. It's just the same old bassackwards racism. I can't fathom it spiritually. Psychologically, I'm at a loss, too. What causes these ass-hats to hate so?

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That's one great post, Marlon :-). I live in North Carolina too and visited Wilmington's monument to the massacre ... not centralized and poorly known to say the least. I am still amazed at the lack of knowledge Americans have of their own history ... but really, should I be? Especially when I know my own lack of knowledge on France's history up to very recently (and I'm sure I'm still unaware of many things of the past)!

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I didn't even know Kyle Rittenhouse had been tried and acquitted recently. The depth and breadth of the backlash right now has been too voluminous to keep up with.

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This piece is from a few years ago. I believe he was acquitted in 2021

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Ah. Thanks for that reminder.

I've been seeing a lot of memes comparing his assault rifle to mfepristone, and his interstate travel to that of women seeking health care (now while potentially in extremis, seeking to save their lives). All spot on. And bananas that this is where we are.

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