Amazing! I’m eagerly awaiting your memoir. Was on the edge of my seat with every paragraph. The word “receipts” has been key to politics in 2023. Your understanding of their value saved you, your family from who knows how many more unseen dark tunnels.
Magnificent, Marlon. Finish the story. Thanks for sharing. I promise to buy a copy.
Fascinating! I hope the responses to your post encourage you to continue writing your book. The story has a cinematic feel, so I can easily see someone in film securing the rights. Good luck!
Amazing! I’m eagerly awaiting your memoir. Was on the edge of my seat with every paragraph. The word “receipts” has been key to politics in 2023. Your understanding of their value saved you, your family from who knows how many more unseen dark tunnels.
Magnificent, Marlon. Finish the story. Thanks for sharing. I promise to buy a copy.
Wow!! This reads like something right out of a movie!!
You're a savvy financial services pro *and* a skilled storyteller, Marlon. Best wishes for leveraging that powerful combo with a compelling memoir.
Fascinating! I hope the responses to your post encourage you to continue writing your book. The story has a cinematic feel, so I can easily see someone in film securing the rights. Good luck!
Told y’all I had a crazy career! This isn’t even the half of it
I can imagine!! Kudos to you and your wife 👏🏽👏🏽
What a great story. There is definitely a movie there!