Face It Moderates: The Cool Kids Don’t like You
Millennials and Gen-Zers blame you for this mess and they’ve had it with you.
Photo by Isaiah Rustad on Unsplash
Millennials and Gen-Zers blame you for this mess, and they’ve had it.
I watched the results of the Nevada Caucus in astonishment as one media pundit after another descended into a complete meltdown as Bernie Sanders’ shellacked the entire Democratic field.
MSNBC’s Chris Matthews went so far as to compare Sanders’s Nevada victory to the fall of France to Nazi Germany, a comment for which he has since apologized.
James Carville, arguably the architect of the party’s turn from Jimmy Carter-style liberalism to Bill Clinton’s lite version of Reaganism, made a passionate plea intended to sway Democratic voters from plunging into the socialist abyss.
Carville patronizingly explained that Sanders voters do not understand the ramifications of their choice. That someone (the media, I guess) needed to explain to them the political chaos that would inevitably follow a Sanders nomination — as if the nation isn’t in political chaos at this very moment.